Wahyu Edy Setiawan


The background of this research is the burden of women being single parents, which is caused by either divorce or because of the husbands’ passing on (death) living them widowed. The status of single parent is of negative effect, because there is no job and parmanent employment for such ladies. This is a challenge handled by Ash-Shoddiq CLC which has implemented a participatory learning model aimed to increase female self-reliance as family heads. The objectives of this research were therefore: a) To discover the implementation profile of a participatory learning model in the improvement of female self-reliance as family heads, b) To describe the construction of a participatory learning model developed and in use by PKBM Ash-Shoddiq, c) To describe the implementation process of a participartory learning model of Ash-Shoddiq, and d) To describe a self-reliance profile of women after engaing in learning, where a participatory learning model had been implemented. The study used a qualitative method and the subjects of research were 10 women, all family heads. The sampling technique was indepth interview from one subject to the other. The study established that a participatory learning model could lead to the self-reliance of women as family heads; and that self-reliance was not only reflected in the improved economic status of women, but also could be seen in the change of the women’s social status and their affective framework of thinking or doing things, because with the affection, their contribution could be directly felt by the larger community. The research therefore, concluded that “a participatory learning model could be of benefit to the CLC learners or participants and also the entire surrounding.


women (female), participartory learning, self-reliance, and family head

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