Nur Amalina Ghaisani, Respaty Mulyanto, Dewi Susilawati


The results of observations made in class V SDN Cipicung in general students have not been able to perform the bottom passing correctly seen from several factors that affect student learning outcomes are still the fear of the child, students are less brave when the ball leads to the forehead to volley ball and learning which teachers give less interesting and less creative in developing the implementation of learning so that students are very fast saturated, not enthusiastic and less enthusiastic in following the learning. To overcome these problems then used learning. So here the researchers will conduct research through game and ball modifications. The method used is classroom action research (PTK) which starts planning, action, observation, and reflection and instrument used IPKG 1, IPKG 2, observation, and test result. The result of the action is three cycles and from the number of students 17, the test result in the initial data 4 students 47%, cycle I 8 students 47.05%, cycle II 11 students 64.7%, cycle III 16 students 94.1% target students achieved . Thus Efforts to Increase Overhand Pass Using Modified Games And Ball In Ball Volleyball, can improve student learning outcomes in performing basic passing motion of volleyball.Keywords: Overhand Pass, Modification the game, and the ball.

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