Upaya Pengasuh dalam Stimulasi Perkembangan Bahasa Pada Anak Usia Balita Melalui Kegiatan Pembiasaan Sehari-hari di Daycare Taman Isola UPI

Fitri Nurul Fauziah, Yani Achdiani, Nenden Rani Rinekasari


Some children have difficulty in accepting the language so that the child slowly reveal more use language such as body language in expressing his desire. The problem of this research is how the babysistter efforts in the stimulation of language development kindergarten through habituation daily activities at Daycare Taman Isola UPI. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the efforts babysistters in the stimulation of language development kindergarten through habituation daily activities at Daycare focusing routine, spontaneous and exemplary. This research using descriptive method, as a means of collecting data in the form of a questionnaire distributed to respondents, the babysistter at Daycare Taman Isola UPI as many as 14 people. The findings of research on babysistter efforts in the stimulation of language development kindergarten through habituation everyday activities that most  the babysistters are already making efforts to give an example, invites, familiarize and train through habituation in daycare. Recommendation results of this study aimed to babysistters in order to deliver rewards in the form of praise when the child is able to perform the achievements of the language development appropriate to his age, he is also concerned about the development of children's language training to develop the skills and knowledge of babysistter. 

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