Encep Supriatna


The background of this study is the educational concern towards the Indonesian school students/young generation, who are being pulled back and forth, between their national identity and the external force of global culture. The Government tries to amend this situation by recommending to infuse character building into teaching and learning. History is the ideal subject to instill nationalism and patriotism among the student, beside to teach the past and the common heritage of their nation, and therefore suitable to the government intention. Banten, formerly a western part of the West Java Province, now a self governing new province, during the 17th and 19th century had her own glorious history of kingdoms. It was from these periods that Banten inherited her own political and cultural identities and values different from other provinces in Indonesia. To discover whether these identities and values are still maintaind among the students/young generation’s lifes today, this research is conducted working together with the High school students from SMAN I, II, and III Serang particularly in the area of ancient Banten (Banten Lama), their teachers and Headmasters, using the naturalistic inquiry method. To gather the data, attending and observing the history classes and the extracurriculum activities are the most important source, supported by the interviews with the key informants, and the use of their daily educational document. Observations are conducted also to gather data from the cultural events among the population of the surrounding areas, among those are the celebration of the Prophet’s Birthday (Maulud Nabi), which are still strongly uphold by these peoples. The result of the study showed, that although the students are still following their family’s instruction in Islamis religious values and ethnic cultural values, they have also to prepare themselves to face their impending future, to study or to work in a modern society. The national curriculum (KTSP) prepare them to adjust and to combine the basic and the more pragmatic education for their time to come.


Religious and cultural values, teaching history education, high school students, naturalistic inquiry, and modernity


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