Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Sikap Sosial pada Outdoor Learning di Sekolah Dasar

Ima Muslimah, Akhmad Nugraha, Ghullam Hamdu


Authentic assesment applying 2013 curiculum. Authentic assessment is assessment that covers three domains, those are cognitive, attitude and skill. However, teachers still have difficulty in conducting an attitude assessment including the assessment of social attitudes. Teachers do the assessment through direct observation without using the assessment instrument in the form of rubric, so the assessment is more subjective. This study aims to develop an assessment instrument that is in the form of rubric assessment of social attitudes in outdoor learning in primary schools that can be used as an alternative for teachers in conducting the assessment. This research uses Design Based Research method. The development of this model consists of 4 steps: 1) identification and analysis of problems by researchers and practitioners collaboratively 2) developing solutions based on theoretical standards, existing design principles and technological innovations 3) performing repeated processes to test and improve solutions Practical 4) reflection to produce the design principle and improve the implementation of the solution practitioner. The data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation study. The subject of research data are observer, student of SDN 1 Cibeureum, and student of SDN Citapen. The experiment was conducted twice in two lessons. In the research findings, the instrument of social attitude assessment developed valid, reliable, and practical use. Validity indicated by expert validation results, then reliable indicated by the identity of the score given by the observer to the students. In the first experiment, there are 2 rubrics that must be revised because the percentage of identity is <85%. In the second experiment, all criteria all criteria were worth to use because the percentage of identity is ≥85%.



assessment of social attitudes, rubrics, development

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