Tera Lawina Darajat, Dede Tatang Sunarya, Regina Lichteria Panjaitan


From the early observations conducted in fifth Grade of SDN Cisalak IV by the researcher, there are several problems that appeared in the learning process. The teachers still use the old methods and the students didn’t understand to use of the word choice, the capital letters, the dots and the use of commas. It makes the students have got the low result. Based on the results of observations, it should be applied the ESTACOLL method (Estafet Writing And Collaborative Writing) to increase the liveliness of the students in the classroom and also to improving the teachers performance in the teaching and learning. ESTACOLL learning is demanded the students to be more active and can cooperate between students because the teacher only act as facilitators and certainly can improve student learning outcomes. The method used in this research is a Classroom Action Research by using a research design that refers to Taggart and Kemmis spiral model. The instruments used include interviews, observation guides, tests and field notes. Data Validation used is member check, expert opinion, and triangulation. Data Validation is used to adjust and match the data obtained. This research was conducted three cycles because on the first and second cycle the specified target has not been achieved. The target set for the teacher performance is 100%, whereas for the student activity is 80% and the results of the study specified target is 90%. On the teacher performance obtained data on the first cycle is 64.10%, the second cycle is 79.48%, and 100% on the third cycle. The student activity on the first cycle is 74.66%, the second cycle is 78.22%, and the third cycle is 90.22%. The student learning outcomes in first cycle is 40%, the second cycle is 64%, and the third cycle is 92%. Thus it can be concluded that the application of ESTACOLL method (Estafet Writing And Collaborative Writing) in writing essay can improve student learning outcomes.


ESTACOLL Method (Estafet Writing And Collaborative Writing); Writing; Essay


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