Hedonic Test of Potato Donuts and Sweet Potato Donuts in an effort to Find Small and Medium Business Opportunities

Fajar Anugrah Subhi, Tatik Sriwulandari, Nisa Rahmaniyah Utami


In an effort to assist the Indonesian government's programto fulfil a balanced nutritional adequacy in the community,especially the age of children, it is necessary to develop adiversification of food products containing energy sources.Thisisbecausethedevelopmentofconsumptionpatternsforstaple foods (food sources of carbohydrates) in Indonesia isstilldominatedbygrains,especiallyriceandwheat,whilethecontribution of tubers is still low. This study aims to offerchildren's snack products in the form of a popular snack,namely donuts which are generally made from wheat flour.Substitutionofwheatwithtubersintheformofsweetpotatoes and potatoes which have many nutritional valueshigherthanflourwastestedon53elementaryschoolstudents to see their perspective and determine the level ofpreferenceforthetwotypesofdiversificationdonutproducts. The results of the organoleptic test showed thatpotato-based donuts had a higherpreference value thansweet potato donuts, by looking at the average value wherepotatodonutsaresuperiorinflavor,textureandaromacategories The results of calculations through the Kruskal-Wallistestshowedthattherewasnodifferencebetweentheproducts tested from all categories assessed, namely Flavor,Color,TextureandAromawithasignificantvaluesmorethan 0,5. The findings obtained in this study can be used as a basis forcommunityconsiderationstofindsmallandmediumbusinessopportunities,especiallydonutproductsmadefromtuberswithatargetmarketofelementaryschoolstudents.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/boga.v11i1.46344


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