Antioxidant Potential of Methanol Extract from the Wood of Artocarpus altilis from West Java

Lydzikri Astuti, Vidia Afina Nuraini, Iqbal Musthapa, Zackiyah Zackiyah


Artocarpus altilis (breadfruit) is one of the plants widely cultivated in Indonesia with a high economic value. Literature research shows that the breadfruit plant has various interesting biological activities, including antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiplatelet, antiarthritics, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. Based on this, the conducted research aims to determine the potential of methanol extract from the wood of the breadfruit plant originating from West Java as an antioxidant. The method used to test antioxidant activity is the DPPH method. The results of the study show that the methanol extract from the wood of the studied breadfruit plant has an IC50 value of 63.6602 µg/mL.

Kata Kunci

Artocarpus altilis; antioksidan; DPPH; IC50

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