Strengthening Posyandu Institutions in Handling Stunting Problems

Muhammad Irfan Hilmi, Ira Rahmawati, Deditiani Tri Indrianti


One effort in dealing with stunting in the community is by
strengthening the POSYANDU institution. In the process of
community empowerment, institutional strengthening is needed as
part of the organization of women's abilities that have been obtained
and then strengthened in institutions that will eventually occur to
learn from one another and as an institutionalized learning exchange
process. Through institutional strengthening it is hoped that the
acquisition of information, knowledge and skills will continue to be
institutionalized in social organizations, especially those relating to
stunting prevention and handling in Jelbuk Village. The services
learned are based on a qualitative approach with descriptive
methods. The subjects of this community service activity were PKK
and POSYANDU cadres from Jelbuk village. Data collection
techniques are done using interviews, observation and study
documentation. The findings show that the POSYADU institutional
strengthening strategy can be carried out through strengthening
UKBM management and Health Program Advocacy.


Penguatan kelembagaan, Pos Pelayanan Terpadu, Stunting

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