Assessment of Mathematical Abilities of Students with Intellectual Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Rina Maryanti


The purpose of this study was assess of mathematical abilities of students with intellectual disabilities during the CoVID-19 Pandemic. The subjects of this study were 5 children with intellectual disabilities in a special school, in West Java, Indonesia. The method used descriptive quantitative method. The stages of the activity process carried out were by formulating instruments, determining subjects, conducting assessments, and analyzing data. Differences in assessment during the pandemic involved teachers and parents. The results showed that most students with intellectual disabilities have problems in the aspect of mathematical abilities. This is because students with intellectual disabilities had problems understanding abstract and complex concepts. They had problems in various aspects of perception. In the learning process, students with intellectual disabilities needed concrete media. Concrete media made it easier for students to understand learning material, especially students with intellectual barriers who are at the concrete learning stage. The results of the assessment used as the basis for making mathematics learning programs for students.


Assessment; Mathematical abilities; Students with intellectual disabilities; The COVID-19 Pandemic

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