The Integration of The Philosophy of Science and Character Education Curriculum

Fitrian Nabil, Mulyawan Safwandy Nugraha


This study examined the application of the integration of the philosophy of science in character education. We took data from the elementary school at SDIT Attaqwa Nurul Fahmi, Indonesia (an integrated Islamic-based elementary school). The approach of the philosophy of science, encompassing the aspects of ontology, epistemology, and axiology, was used as a foundation to design and implement character education programs. Using a descriptive qualitative method, this research explored the practice of integrating values through observations, interviews, and document analysis. The school's curriculum was designed to internalize religious values, discipline, and responsibility through programs such as Building Learning Power (BLP) and Night of Faith and Piety Development (MABIT). The role of teachers as moral models was a crucial element in the successful application of these values. The integration of the philosophy of science proved effective in building students' character (not only possessing intellectual competence but also exhibiting positive behavior in both school and family environments). This study offers a new perspective on the development of character education based on philosophy, with significant implications for the curriculum of other Islamic schools.


Character education; Integrated education; Philosophy of science; Schools of philosophy of science

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