Nurti Budiyanti, Mohammad Rindu Fajar Islamy, Achmad Faqihuddin, Hasan Albana


This empowerment research aims to strengthen the role of women as madrasatul ula with the Ulul Ilmi character to develop the potential of children who believe in monotheism in building Islamic civilization. This activity was carried out at the Ummahat Ta'lim Assembly at the Qoshrul Muttaqin Mosque, Kopo Village, Bojongloa Kaler District, Bandung City. The service method used is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, where this activity is carried out in a participatory manner in the community. Involvement is carried out in the form of field observation, as well as direct strengthening of the role of women as madrasatul ula with Ulul Ilmi character. The results of this research activity are, firstly, strengthening the role of women as madrasatul ula with the Ulul Ilmi character through a routine recitation program for mothers which is held on the second Saturday of each month. Second, strengthening mental health and spiritual strength through a life mentoring program that aims to solve problems faced in household life. This activity is guided by competent da'iyyah who have specific strategies in favoring Ulul Ilmi's character in each discussion. Members and participants involved have a diverse age range. From this community service program, it is hoped that women in the majlis ta'lim ummahat community at the Qohsrul Muttaqin Mosque will have new habits in fostering a healthy mentality, positive paradigm through education on the importance of fostering Ulul Ilmi character which is the first pillar in building Islamic civilization. Thus, the role of women as madrasatul ula can be applied more optimally.

This empowerment research aims to strengthen the role of women as madrasatul ula with the Ulul Ilmi character to develop the potential of children who believe in monotheism in building Islamic civilization. This activity was carried out at the Ummahat Ta'lim Assembly at the Qoshrul Muttaqin Mosque, Kopo Village, Bojongloa Kaler District, Bandung City. The service method used is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, where this activity is carried out in a participatory manner in the community. Involvement is carried out in the form of field observation, as well as direct strengthening of the role of women as madrasatul ula with Ulul Ilmi character. The results of this research activity are, firstly, strengthening the role of women as madrasatul ula with the Ulul Ilmi character through a routine recitation program for mothers which is held on the second Saturday of each month. Second, strengthening mental health and spiritual strength through a life mentoring program that aims to solve problems faced in household life. This activity is guided by competent da'iyyah who have specific strategies in favoring Ulul Ilmi's character in each discussion. Members and participants involved have a diverse age range. From this community service program, it is hoped that women in the majlis ta'lim ummahat community at the Qohsrul Muttaqin Mosque will have new habits in fostering a healthy mentality, positive paradigm through education on the importance of fostering Ulul Ilmi character which is the first pillar in building Islamic civilization. Thus, the role of women as madrasatul ula can be applied more optimally.

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