Sri Isti Untari, Rahma Nur Pratiwi


In the management of an organization, planning is the most important process of all management functions because without planning, other functions such as organizing, directing, controlling and evaluating will not work as expected. One plan that supports all planning in an organization is budget planning. The function of budget planning is to estimate the budget in order to fund the implementation of the activity program. The purpose of this study is to find out about budget planning problems that become obstacles to the implementation of management at the Market-ing Management Study Program for Dissabilities Student in State Polytec-nic of Jakarta so that it is necessary to find out a solution that the imple-mentation of management in achieving its vision can run as expected. This research is descriptive qualitative method by using case and literature study approach. By using qualitative, the research will focus on studying the conditions of budget planning towards achieving the vision by tracing the mission, goals, objectives, achievement strategies, programs and ac-tivities that run at Marketing Management Study Program for Dissabilities Student in State Polytecnic of Jakarta. The results of the research shows that the biggest percentage and its relevance with vision and mission, achievement strategy, work programme, and the implementation of budgeting plan are as follows: vision and mission (33 %); achievement strategy (29%); work programme (24%); and the implementation of budg-eting plan (14). Those results show, although the vision and mission was established as well as the achievement strategy was made, but, in fact, the implementation of budgeting plan was not in accordance with the strategy and work programme that had been formulated. So, these cause the budgeting and finance management function gaps at Marketing Man-agement Study Program for Dissabilities Student in State Polytecnic of Ja-karta.


Budgeting Plan, Achievement of Vision, Management Function.


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