Ratih Yuniarti, aan komariah, asep suryana, eka prihatin


Quality of education is the achievement of the implementation of educa-tional process managed in line with the aim of quality improvement. This research is motivated by the initial condition in the field where the quality of equivalency education package C program in Cimahi City not optimal which is allegedly caused by less optimal managerial commitment and leadership of PKBM chairman. This study aims to describe and analyze the influence of the commitment of managers and leadership situational PKBM chairman of the quality of equivalency education package C pro-gram management in Cimahi City. The method used is descriptive method with quantitative approach using survey design. The subjects of the study were 64 people, consisting of 16 PKBM chairmen and 48 packages of C program managers from 16 PKBM. Data analysis technique used is pear-son product moment correlation, determination, and regression. The re-sults obtained by showing the posittif and significant influence between the commitment of managers and leadership situational PKBM chairman of the quality of equivalency education package C program management. The magnitude of these impacts can be considered for PKBM in an effort to improve the quality of equivalency education package C program


Management Commitment, Situational Leadership, Quality Management Improvement


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jap.v26i2.21334


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