Telenursing’s Effectiveness on Mothers’s Ability to Stimulate Child Development

Atikah Fatmawati, Mujiadi Mujiadi, Anndy Prastya


Children have a golden period of development. The proper stimulation will stimulate the child's brain so that development can occur optimally according to age. This study aims to determine the effect of telenursing on the mother's ability to stimulate the development of children aged 9-12 months. The study used a pre-experimental design with a pre-posttest one-group design approach. Thirty-two respondents were selected purposively. The telenursing intervention was given three times for one week using Whatsapp group media. The instrument used was the Stimulation Early Intervention Detection Growth and Development checklist. Paired T-test results showed that telenursing effectively increased the mother's ability to stimulate growth and development in children (p=0.000). Telenursing allows nurses to control the delivery of nursing interventions, even if they do not meet in person. Telenursing can be an alternative method to provide nursing care, one of which is providing information about child development.


child; development; stimulation; telenursing

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