Dony Waluya Firdaus, Dimas Widyasastrena


Abstract. The design of Accounting Information System of Cooperatives and UMKM based on Technopreneur can assist Cooperative and UMKM in presenting Financial Statement and produce accountable financial statements Accounting system development method using Rapid Application Development (RAD) adjust the pace Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC ) in design using DFD and flowchart. UMKM and Cooperative accounting information system using Enterprise Resource Planning.

Keywords: Design; Accounting information system; Cooperative; UMKM; ERP

Abstrak. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Koperasi dan UMKM berbasis technopreneur dapat membantu Koperasi dan UMKM dalam menyajikan Laporan Keuangan dan menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang akuntabel. Metode pengembangan sistem informasi akuntansi menggunakan Rapid Application Development (RAD) menyesuaikan pase Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dalam perancangan menggunakan DFD dan flowchart. Sistem informasi akuntansi UMKM dan Koperasi menggunakan Enterprise Resources Planning.

Keywords: Perancangan; Sistem Informasi Akuntansi; Koperasi; UMKM; ERP


Design; Accounting information system; Cooperative; UMKM; ERP

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