The topic of this Phenomenology Research Topics is the Extensification of environment education with respect to ESD over nonformal education systems. The title of this paper Eco Camp Educational Tourism Phenomenon in Indonesia. This research will reveal the reality of the expansion of non-formal education system in the form of a visit to an environmentally friendly area in northern Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The research will answer questions about the phenomenon of eco camp educational tourism in Indonesia, the people who are specifically linked to eco camp educational tourism, how eco camp educational tourism affect the learning behavior of children and parents involved, changes that the parents and the children feel after participating in eco camp educational tourism, how eco camp educational tourism affect others around them, their feelings when participating in eco camp educational tourism, their opinion about eco camp educational tourism, and changes and circumstances that children remember when participating eco camp educational tourism. The key informants in this research are representative of 3 communities which are 4 children aged 5-9 years old and parents aged 29-38 years old. This research describes experience of present reality related to the phenomenon of non-formal education system in order to provide insight into the environment for the younger generation. The findings of this research have implications for educational technology. In the future, the concept eco camp educational tourism will be oriented towards education that can be adapted by formal and also informal education.
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