The Meaning of Giving Food Souvenirs: From the Perspective of Generation Z Immigrants in Yogyakarta City
In addition to its reputation as an educational center, Yogyakarta is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, historical significance, and thriving tourism industry, which has resulted in a high demand for food souvenirs. The objective of this study was to determine the significance of food souvenirs acquired by Generation Z individuals (born between 1997 and 2012) who migrated to the city of Yogyakarta. The research conducted was of a quantitative descriptive kind. The sample consisted of 100 respondents who were citizens of generation Z in DIY. These respondents possessed non-DIY ID cards and had directly purchased food souvenirs from Yogyakarta, without using e-commerce or marketplace platforms, to be given to their family or friends at their hometown. For study purposes, the dependent variables were determined by the giving variables, while the independent factors consisted of emotional variables and cultural characteristics. The statistical investigation was conducted to determine the extent to which a food souvenir serves as the foundation for someone's act of giving. The analysis employed the approach of multiple linear regression, which was substantiated by conducting tests to assess deviations from classical assumptions, including the heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, and autocorrelation test. Based on the research findings, it was evident that the respondents continue to follow and practice the tradition of giving souvenirs to their family or loved ones. This demonstrates that Generation Z still upholds the tradition of giving food souvenirs, as it reflects the values and customs of the Eastern culture. This ethical behavior was also instilled in their families.
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