Training development of instructional design teaching materials based educational robots with ADDIE method in SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah

Aprianti Nanda Sari, Trisna Gelar, Lukmanul Hakim Firdaus, Hashri Hayati, Ade Hodijah


The utilization of educational robots in learning in the digital era is increasingly important for developing students' computational thinking skills. In 2023, SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah conducted training to enable teachers to implement computational thinking (CT) in developing teaching materials. However, the evaluation results showed that the developed materials were not uniform and had varying standards. Therefore, a community service activity entitled "Training on Developing Instructional Design for Unplugged Computational Thinking Learning Materials Based on Educational Robots with the ADDIE Method at SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah" was conducted. This activity consisted of two parts: training and a capstone project. ADDIE is a systematic and structured method for developing teaching materials in the form of student worksheets (LKPD). The ADDIE method consists of five main stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. These stages assist teachers in designing, developing, and evaluating effective LKPD. The training was conducted offline for 16 hours, involving 27 teachers, with materials covering the introduction of computational thinking, the use of educational robots, and the application of the ADDIE method in LKPD development. The evaluation results showed an increase in teachers' understanding of educational robots, the ADDIE method, and LKPD development, as indicated by an average increase of 8.24 points in the post-test scores. Furthermore, three groups of teachers successfully developed Capstone Projects in the form of LKPD collaboratively. These cross-subject teacher groups implemented the LKPD in their teaching activities with the themes of Nationalism, Indonesian Flora and Fauna, and Population Migration.


Computational thinking; ADDIE; LKPD; Educational robot;

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