Penggunaan jurnal reflective writing pada peserta didik tingkat menengah atas dalam pembelajaran elastisitas bahan
Learning by doing offers to provide the best learning using experience to train students to become accustomed to it. A reflection role is needed so that learning is not quickly forgotten. Reflection in a lesson is be able to be done at the end of the lesson. Reflection may not be carried out by students because they feel embarrassed in front of their friends. Therefore, reflection is carried out by writing. Reflection by writing is applied in reflective writing journals. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that aims to analyze the implementation of reflective writing journals. The results are analyzing the level of stundet’s reflection. The study ends with student interviews to find out the causes of students' incomprehension. The research was conducted on five students of class XI majoring in MIPA at a Boarding School in Purwakarta. As for the level of reflection of student have different levels. The main cause of students' incomprehension is the formula part and the calculation part.
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