Penggunaan media virtual laboratory dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan konsep gelombang bunyi

Wahyu Prima Medica, Iyon Suyana, David Edison Tarigan


Curriculum development always intersects with strategies, approaches, methods, and learning techniques that are adapted to curriculum development. For example, in curriculum development in 2013 there was a change in the learning approach, namely using a scientific approach. The determination of the approach in K-13 has been stated in Permendikbud number 81a of 2013 concerning the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of using virtual laboratory media on student learning outcomes on the concept of sound waves and to determine student responses to the concept of sound waves. the use of virtual laboratory media on the concept of sound waves in schools. This study uses a Pre-Experimental Design with the type of one group pretest-posttest design with a sample of 50 students from one high school in the city of Bandung. The instruments used are questionnaires and student achievement data. The acquisition of student learning outcomes shows the average change in grades increased by 29.2 from the pretest average of 45.2 and the posttest average to 74.4 after learning using virtual laboratory media.


Sound wave; Learning media; Virtual laboratory


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