The Application of Particle Dynamics Concepts and Coaxial Wheel Connections in the Local Wisdom of Natural Fiber Weaving

Himawan Putranta, Fatimatuzzahro Fatimatuzzahro, Fatimatuzzahro Fatimatuzzahro, Citra Dwi Lestari, Citra Dwi Lestari


Natural fiber weaving is one of the local wisdoms found in Indonesia. The creation of natural fiber weaves still employs traditional tools, which involve several applications of physics concepts, and the use of these tools has become a tradition for the local community. This research aims to analyze the concepts of particle dynamics and coaxial wheel connection in the making of natural fiber weaves. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and direct field documentation. This research illustrates that in the creation of natural fiber weaves, there are physics concepts involved, namely the concepts of particle dynamics and coaxial wheel connection. The particle dynamics present in the weaving process include the concepts of torque and Newtonian mechanics. The concepts of torque and Newtonian mechanics in the making of natural fiber weaves are integrated into the weaving tool, specifically in the wooden foot pedal and the two planes in front of the weaving tool that move up and down and are connected to the thread spools. Meanwhile, the concept of coaxial wheel connection is integrated into the circular thread spools.


axle wheel connection; local wisdom; natural fiber weaving; particle dynamics


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