Semantic Analysis of German Idioms That Use The Word Hand

Raden Muhammad Arie Andhiko Ajie, Ashma Nafilah Maulida, Nuki Nurhani


Idioms are expressions that have a nonlexical meaning and cannot be interpreted word by word. Therefore, idioms need to be interpreted with semantic analysis in order to know their idiomatic meaning. In Indonesian, idioms have several sources of formation, one of which is the element of limbs. In German, idioms are part of Somatismen, which is an expression unit characterized by the presence of one of the forming components in the form of limb elements. Hand is one of the body parts that is a frequently used idiom forming element in German. Thus, this study focuses on analyzing German idioms containing the word Hand. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) to find out German idioms that use the word Hand, 2) to analyze and categorize German idioms that use the word Hand based on the classification of idiom types according to Talasova, and 3) to analyze the meaning contained in German idioms that use the word Hand. This research was conducted using qualitative research method with descriptive analysis. The results prove that there are 111 idioms using the word Hand found in the data source. The lexical and idiomatic meanings in each idiom have different relationships according to the type category. Based on the analysis, there are 71 idioms that belong to the type of idiomatic phraseologism (idiomatische Phraseologismen), 40 idioms belong to the type of partially idiomatic phraseologism (teil-idiomatische Phraseologismen), and no idioms are found that belong to the type of nonidiomatic (nicht-idiomatisch)


semantics, idioms, Hand

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