Lilis Afifah, Avril Laffaziah, Ending Khoerudin


When learning German, there are four skills that must be mastered, namely reading (Lesen), writing (Schreiben), listening (Hören), and speaking (Sprechen). Reading (Lesen) is one of the skills that students must master, but there are still many obstacles in learning reading skills. One of them is students' interest in reading which tends to be low.  Therefore, the researcher developed Pop-Up book media to deal with the problem. The purpose of this research is to produce Pop-Up books. Pop-Up books are books that have three-dimensional shapes and images that appear when the page is opened. Pop-Up book development can be done with the Research and Development (R&D) research method. This research involved teachers and students from SMA Negeri 8 Pandeglang. The result of this research is Pop-Up book media with Wohnen In Deutschland material. Pop-Up book media has been validated by material and media experts and assessed by teachers. Pop-Up book media is assessed using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Material experts gave a score of 80% (Good), media experts gave a score of 85.33% (Very Good), German teachers gave a score of 94.66% (Very Good), and students gave an average score of 92.33% (Very Good). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that; (1) Pop-Up book media can be developed using the Research and Development (R&D) method, (2) Pop-Up book media can be implemented in learning German reading skills, (3) Pop-Up book media get excellent ratings and responses from teachers and students. Therefore, Pop-Up books can be used as an alternative choice for learning media for German reading skills.

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