Perkembangan Kosakata Bahasa Arab Melalui Isytiqāq

Azkia Muharom Albantani, Afwa Uzna Fauziah, Iis Sumiantia


This paper aims to examine the development of Arabic vocabulary through isytiqāq kabīr, akbar, and kubbār. Isytiqāq or derivation has appeared among Arabic linguists from the beginning of the third century hijriah until the middle of the end of the fourth century hijriah. The qualitative research method (al-bahts al-kayfi) with the type of library research is used in this paper to examine library materials related to the writing theme. The study results show that the type of isytiqāq kabīr is the same as taqlīb (change), the type of isytiqāq akbar is the same as ibdal, and the type of isytiqāq kubbār is the same as naht (acronym). The three isytiqāq have differences, namely; isytiqāq kabīr / akbar is to form various syllables from a syllable consisting of three phonemes, but still has elements of the same meaning. The similarity in meaning is because the word formed comes from a root word with the same phoneme. While isytiqāq kubbār is to form a new word by abbreviating two or more words, which results in an abbreviated word meaning.


Akbar; Arabic; Derivation; Isytiqāq; Kabīr; Kubbār

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