Innovative Nahwu Teaching: Implementation of the Snowball Throwing Method at Al-Hidayah Islamic Boarding School Karangploso Malang

Nurul Fawzani, Muassomah Muassomah, Fatimatuz Zahro', Henri Hasrianto, Lapas Zoni


The research aims to describe the implementation of the snowball throwing method in nahwu learning, the supporting and inhibiting factors, and students' responses to applying this method. The method used is descriptive qualitative research. This research was carried out in class 1 of the Wustho Islamic Boarding School Al-Hidayah Karangploso Malang, including 35 subjects. The data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is carried out through condensation, presentation, and conclusion. The research results show that this method positively impacts students in Nahwu learning. The stages, starting from delivering the material and forming groups to implementing the game, succeeded in increasing student interaction, understanding of the material, and motivation to learn. Supporting factors include teacher motivation, student activity, and a conducive classroom atmosphere. The inhibiting factors include lack of student attention, ability differences, and limited time. Overall, the student response was positive, stating that snowball throwing made learning fun, helped students understand the material, and increased enthusiasm for learning, indicating that this method was effective as a solution to overcome difficulties in Nahwu learning.


Arabic; Boarding School; Nahwu; Snowball Throwing

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