Factors Affecting The Intention to Invest in Cripto Assets Among Indonesian Youth

Vera Intanie Dewi, Aldrin Herwany, Maria Widyarini, Umi Widyastuti


Main Purpose - This study aims to determine the role of financial risk tolerance in mediating the impact of digital financial literacy, investment experience, and e-payment behavior on intention to invest.

Method - This research is a type of explanatory research with a survey method and as many as 215 respondents filled out a questionnaire with valid answers which were then used for analysis. Hypothesis testing uses a structural equation model (SEM) and is processed using Smart PLS-SEM.

Main Findings - This research proves that there is a positive and significant role of financial risk tolerance in mediating the impact of digital financial literacy, investment experience, and e-payment behavior on intention to invest. In addition, this study shows that most members of the younger generation have a level of risk tolerance or risk profile that falls into the moderate category or loss-adverse category in the aspects of risk speculation, investment risk, and financial risk evaluation.

Theory and Practical Implications - This study provides policy directions for related parties to increase digital finance adoption and financial literacy in the context of financial inclusion. This research reinforces that digital financial literacy is important, especially in terms of digital financial knowledge for young people.

Novelty - This study uses the risk tolerance profile variable as a variable that mediates the relationship between digital financial literacy and investment intentions using consumer behavior theory.


Financial Literacy; Investment; Risk Tolerance.

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