Analisis Hubungan Self-efficacy dan Metakognitif terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Berdasarkan Gender pada Konsep Genetika

Dewi Purnamasari Suherman, Widi Purwianingsih, Sariwulan Diana


The lower of awareness, motivation, and self regulation students’ on learning is a major concern in science education. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of self-efficacy beliefs and metacognitive on academic performance among high school students based on gender on Genetic concept that include sub-concepts: Genetic Mendel, Heredity, and Mutation. Descriptive method is constructed this study. A total of 60 students XII grader of high school are participated in the study. Data were collected by Self-efficacy and Metacognitive Questionnaire, Genetic Concept Test, and Final Questionnaire.  Data were analyzed using inferential statistics, regression. Regression analysis indicated that self-efficacy and metacognitive was a strong predictor of academic performance. This case are showed by the value of regression, R = 0.612 so that self-efficacy and metacognitive were inferred was a strong predictor of academic performance. The other finding on this research show that male students are outperforming female students on self-efficacy, metacognitive, and academic performance, so that can be conducted a further research about how to increase level of self-efficacy and metacognitive on female students.


self-efficacy, metacognitive, academic performance, gender

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