Exploration of Algorithms and Heuristics in Puzzle Playing Activities of Early Childhood

Selvia Dwi Lusiana, Thorik Aziz


This study explores the use of algorithms and heuristics by early childhood children in the context of puzzle-solving. The research employs a qualitative approach with a case study method, involving 10 children aged 4-6 years at RA Nurud Dhalam, Pamekasan Regency. The findings identify several commonly used algorithmic strategies, such as edge-first, color or image-based grouping, and systematic trial and error. Frequently utilized heuristics include shape-based searching, using images as guides, and eliminating unsuitable options. Factors such as age, previous experience, and puzzle difficulty level influence strategy selection. Analysis of the findings indicates that the use of algorithms and heuristics reflects complex cognitive development, involving executive functions, metacognition, and visuospatial abilities. This research concludes that the use of algorithms and heuristics reflects complex cognitive development in young children, involving executive functions, metacognition, and visuospatial abilities. These findings have significant implications for early childhood learning and stimulation, including the development of more differentiated learning approaches, adaptive curriculum design, dynamic assessment methods, utilization of educational technology, and more comprehensive teacher training. Additionally, they open new perspectives in understanding children's cognitive processes and provide a foundation for developing more effective early childhood education theory and practice.


Algorithms and heuristics, Early childhood, Puzzle playing.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/cd.v15i2.74701


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