Journal Title Jurnal Civicus
Initials JC
Abbrevation J.civicus
Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
DOI 10/17509/civicus
Online ISSN 2656-3606
Jurnal Civicus is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and up-to-date research on Civic/Citizenship Education. This journal aims to develop concepts, theories, prespectives, paradigms, and methodologies in the study of Citizenship Education.
Jurnal Civicus is published by the Ministry of Citizenship Education in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Pancasila and Citizenship Education Professionals (Indonesian Association of Pancasila and Civic Education/AP3KNI). MoU AP3KNI
Jurnal Civicus invites to submit original and published manuscripts on civics studies with a focus and scope Civics/Citizenship Science, Values and Norm Education, Legal Education, Political Education, Classroom Action Research (Civic Education), Development of teaching and learning Civic Education (models, methods, media, sources, evaluation), Development of Civic Education textbooks, Study of Learning content on Civic Education, Study of Civic Education curriculum in schools, Study of Civic Education curriculum in Higher Education.
Jurnal Civicus was published in 2001 with the frequency of publishing once a year. As for every year, Jurnal Civicus has a different theme when publishing so that the author adjusts the theme promoted by the editor. In 2014 the Civicus Journal experienced changes to, Logo, Cover, and templates.
Since 2018, Jurnal Civicus use Open Journal System with URL, and proceeded for ISSN Online with number 2656-3606. Jurnal Civicus changes the template from Vol 19, No. 1 edition. In Volume, 20, No 2, 2020, the template of Jurnal Civicus changes again.
Jurnal Civicus has been registered in CrossRef thus articles that are published in Volume 21 No. 1 and forward hold Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. Jurnal Civicus has been currently indexed by both national and international indexer institutions such as Google Scholar (International), Dimensions, Science and Technology Index (SINTA - National), GARUDA, and other citation databases of peer-reviewed scientific literature.

This journal has been ACCREDITED by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) and Managed by the Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic Indonesia with Sinta 3 from 2023 to 2027 Nomor 177/E/KPT/2024
Vol 24, No 1 (2024): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2024 (In Press)
Table of Contents
Siti Maizul Habibah, I Putu Ananda Widia Pratama, Nuraini Lusi
Sri Wahyuni Tanshzil, Vini Agustiani Hadian
Elda Dwi Pratiwi
Aina Nurdiyanti, Muh Khaedir, Iis Husnul Hotimah
Aan Winandi, Erna Yuliandari, Winarno Winarno
Faris Abqori Ariyanto, Emilda Ajeng Sekar Azzahro, Rifana Azmi Sugiarti, Dadi Mulyadi, Maftuhin Maftuhin
Vebi Febrianti Zakiah