Tinjauan Literatur: Model Flipped Classroom dengan Elemen Gamification Untuk Memfasilitasi Emotional Engagement Siswa
Currently, the quality of Indonesian education is becoming the center of attention of
many people, one of which is the high order thinking skills (HOTS) of students. HOTS
is needed by students to face challenges in certain situations in everyday life. However,
based on the results of the PISA score, Indonesia is still categorized as low. This proves
that the HOTS level of most students in Indonesia is still relatively low. Thus,
increasing students' HOTS requires learning that can support students' holistic needs, by
trying to increase the effectiveness of student-centered learning, and pay better attention
to aspects of student involvement during classroom learning. The purpose of this study
is to provide literature on the application of the flipped classroom model using element
gamification, to increase student involvement from an emotional involvement
perspective. The research method used is a systematic literature review. This research
shows that adding gamification elements into the flipped classroom results in higher
motivation, and a better level of emotional involvement of students because learning is
more fun.
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