Elementary Students’ Logical-Thinking Ability and Its Relationship with Gender

Henni Riyanti, Putri Dewi Nurhasana


Logical-thinking ability is one of the 21st-century competencies that plays an important role in an individual’s ability to be responsive in acting and making decisions to solve societal problems. However, logical-thinking ability can differ due to several factors, one of which is gender. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the relationship between elementary school students’ logical-thinking ability and gender. One hundred forty-nine students from 5 different elementary schools in Surakarta City, Indonesia, were involved in this research. The research subjects were taken by random sampling technique. The data were tested using the validity and reliability tests of logical thinking, which were then analyzed using a quantitative descriptive technique on SPSS 22 software with the Pearson Correlation test. The results showed a significant relationship between logical-thinking ability and gender, as seen from the correlation value of the Pearson Correlation test of 0.210 and Sig. of 0.01 < 0.05. Hence, logical-thinking ability is strongly connected with gender. The result showed that the female students’ logical-thinking ability was better than male students. These results can be considered for educators to design appropriate learning to develop logical thinking skills for both male and female students.


Logical Thinking Ability; Gender; Cognitive Style

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ebj.v4i1.48361


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