Conference Publication Collaboration

EduBasic Journal: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar (EBJ) receives the publication collaboration for International conference papers. The compulsory requirements that should be fulfilled are: 

1) Paper has been selected and reviewed by the committee/editor/ conference reviewer/and is willing to follow the review processes by the journal editor and reviewer. The decision to accept or reject the paper is executed by the journal editor.

2) Paper content follows scientific principles and has novelty.

3) Willing to follow EBJ template.

4) The author whose paper is accepted for publication in EBJ is subjected to paying the paper processing charges. 

The EBJ regular issue is published in 5 to 10 papers per issue. EBJ will also publish special issues for a total of 20 papers received.

If you are interested in collaborating with EBJ to publish your existing International conference papers, please contact the Editor in Chief via e-mail: