Analysis of Online Accessibility of Public Access Catalogue on SLiMS and INLISLite Applications Based on WCAG 2.0

M. Annas Dwi Cahyono, Inawati Inawati


This study aims to determine the level of OPAC accessibility in SLiMS and INLISLite applications. Four main guidelines on website accessibility will be analyzed: perceivable, operable, adaptable, and robust. The four guidelines are based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods and data analysis techniques using manual checks based on the WCAG-EM guidelines, which focus on two levels, namely A and AA. The results of the study based on four indicators are (1) perceivable on SLiMS and INLISLite experiencing problems in providing alternative text, (2) operable on SLiMS and INLISLite found problems in the focus element, (3) understandable on SLiMS and INLISLite fail to meet the criteria for providing language, and (4) robust, both applications have succeeded in utilizing HTML syntax according to the provisions. Thus, from the four indicators, the SLiMS and INLISLite applications still need to meet several criteria at level A, namely the criteria for using language, using color, and providing alternative text on non-text elements. Meanwhile, at level AA, there is a failure in the focus element.


Accessibility; OPAC; Website

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