Tingkat Kecanduan Smartphone Siswa SMAN 1 Sariwangi Tahun 2023

Ahmad Rizal Mufti, Amung Ma'mun Berliana


This research is to determine the level of smartphone addiction at SMAN 1 Sariwangi. This research uses a quantitative survey method and involves 173 respondents. Data was collected using the adaptation scale of the Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version (SAS-SV). The results of the study show that the level of smartphone addiction among students at SMAN 1 Sariwangi in 2023 is low, with an average dependency score of 28.72, below the addiction threshold for males and females. In addition, the duration of smartphone use has a significant contribution to the level of smartphone addiction. This research provides a basis for planning interventions that can improve literacy and academic performance in schools.

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