R Rohana


This research is motivated by the low mathematical representation ability of Vocational students caused by the limited opportunity for students to present their representation. It is inseparable from learning, followed by students who are generally still conventional. The purpose of this research is to study, describe, and analyze the improvement of the mathematical representation ability of Vocational students through Inquiry Training Model learning. The research method used was quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The population in this study were all class X students of SMK N Rajapolah 2017/2018 school year, while the study sample consisted of class X students of Light Vehicle Engineering and Automotive-1 as an experimental class, and class X students of Light Vehicle Engineering and Automotive-2 as a control class. The research units in each research class were grouped based on students' initial mathematical abilities (IMA), including IMA in the high, medium, and low categories. The results showed that the improvement in the ability of mathematical representation of students who received Inquiry Training Model learning was better than students who received conventional learning. Also, there are differences in the increase in significant mathematical representation between students who have high IMA, moderate IMA, and low IMA. Also, there is no significant interaction effect between IMA factors and learning on the improvement of the mathematical representation ability of Vocational students.

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