This study examines the value of education through foreign language learning (German) in class X, SMA PGII I Bandung as a partner school project on the island of Java. Reconstruction of values is seen in Freud's psychoanalytic concept. Ethics dialectics shows a coherent significance to the constructs of learners' assumptions about value in the learning process. Using a descriptive qualitative approach derived from interviews, questionnaires and participant observations in classes X.1, X.3 and Intensive classes and 3 graduates student of SMA PGII I Bandung, this study looked at the ethics dialectics in reconstructing values, and studied them in Freud's psychoanalytic concept. This study found that the discipline and consistency of teachers in the learning process fostered the responsibilities of learners as a manifestation of ethics. Teachers succeed in creating ethical values (norms) of the class, which slowly and unconsciously learners form a moral censor (superego). Implementation of Values Education through foreign language learning is represented by Freud's psychoanalytic concept in the realm of moral censorship (superego) of learners. The discipline of a teacher is able to reflect on the responsibilities of learners who implement value education in the process of foreign language learning activities (German).
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