Analysis Of Student Errors In Solving Algebraic Function Derivative Problems According To Watson's Theory: A Case Study In Class Xi Of Yayasan Atikan Sunda High School Bandung

Destri Handayani, K Kusnandi


This research aims to analyze the errors made by class XI students in solving algebraic function derivative problems, using a qualitative approach based on Watson's theory. This research was conducted at the Atikan Sunda Foundation High School in Bandung for the 2021/2022 academic year involving 3 students who showed difficulty in understanding the material on derivatives of algebraic functions. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling. Research methods include analytical tests, interviews, and observations to identify and classify types of errors and explore the factors that influence these errors. The research results showed that the factors that influence student errors based on Watson's theory are that student errors in the od category obtained an error percentage of 3.33%, ip of 6.67%, od of 10%, oc of 16.67%, Rlc of 10%, um of 0%, Shp of 26.67% and Ao of 13.33%. This means that students still often make the most mistakes in the shp category at 26.67%, namely students often make mistakes regarding skill hierarchy problems. So it can be concluded that to reduce student errors in the Shp category, there is a need for appropriate methods in the classroom learning process.

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