Pemanfaatan Google Classroom Sebagai Sarana Belajar dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah (Studi Deskriptif di Kelas XI SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung)

Imas Sri Unengsih


Learning with Google Classroom was chosen by many teachers as a means of distance
learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. After Covid-19 was deemed safe, face-to-face
learning in the classroom was allowed with the provision that 50% of students could
attend school in turn, the rest did online learning. Google classroom is a blended
learning platform in education that allows educators to create, share and classify
paperless assignments. Google classroom is one of the e-learning applications in history
learning. Learning tools that are optimally utilized create effective, efficient learning so
that learning objectives can be achieved. History learning is a teaching and learning
activity to obtain a shared picture of important events and the state of past societies. The
objectives of this study are (1) To find out the reasons why teachers choose google
classroom as a learning tool in learning history; (2) To describe the implementation of
history learning with google classroom as a learning tool in class XI Pasundan 2
Bandung High School 2020/2021 Academic Year; (3) To describe the obstacles and
efforts of teachers and students in learning history using google classroom. This makes
the researcher interested in examining further about google classroom. This research
uses a qualitative descriptive study method to get an in-depth description and explanation
of the implementation of history learning with google classroom as a learning tool at
Pasundan 2 Bandung High School. The results of this study show that (1) The selection of
google classroom as a learning tool in learning history was chosen because of its ease
and effectiveness in use; (2) History learning with google classroom at Pasundan 2
Bandung High School has not been implemented optimally; (3) Students and teachers are
not ready for history learning using google classroom so they experience many technical


Google Classroom, Learning Tools, History Learning


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