Seri Yona Ma’ruf, As As Setiawati


The techniques of shibori is a technique that comes from Japan and is commonly called batik Japan is different ways of decorating fabrics by means of dipping tie dye as in in the language of the West or jumputan in Indonesia. The difference is in the manufacture of textile materials with ornaments how to make patterns on the fabric and close certain parts before dyed. And different on the end result of the motive that is formed. Motif formed with techniques of shibori not only produce elements of the color but the motives are not unexpected. The technique of embroidery "bourci" (sequin) is an embroidery technique solution using hand and decorated with various types of sequin and beads so that objects appear more attractive. In this final project report, the concept was made, namely ocean depth in the form of gradation on into sea realized by techniques of shibori and motives of Octopus realized by techniques of bourci. The expected results of this exploration could engender the motivation to readers and creating aesthetic works of various motifs created

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