Dating Adolescents Distribution by Gender and Place of Residence (Rural-Urban Areas): IDHS 2017 Data Analysis in South Kalimantan Province
The majority of adolescents in Indonesia are already dating. However, the distribution of the dating phenomenon among adolescents varies between provinces in Indonesia. South Kalimantan is the province with the smallest percentage of boyfriend/girlfriend ownership in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the distribution of dating adolescents with comparative analysis of gender and place of residence in the form of rural and urban areas in South Kalimantan in 2017. This study uses secondary data as an analysis tool. Secondary data were obtained from the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) on the Adolescent Reproductive Health component. The variables used include two aspects, namely the socio-demographic conditions and dating plus dating behavior in adolescents. The data were then processed and analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results showed that adolescents in the rural had a greater percentage of boyfriend/girlfriend ownership than urban adolescents. Males are more permissive of sexual dating behavior to premarital sex than females. In this case, both males and females in urban areas are more permissive of premarital sex than males and females in rural areas.
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