The present research is concerned with how creative the students are in writing activities. By multi-teaching strategies, they were expected make use of various resources they could find before writing. They could feel the breeze, the sounds of the wind, the passers-by talking, and the singing of birds prior to their writing. By this strategy, the researcher would like to know how embodied approaches to teaching contribute to creativity in students' narrative writing. Writing interest and habits should be cultivated as early as possible at school through more writing practices instead of memorizing theories of writing. Writing courses in university should be designed based on a need analysis depicting students’ level of readiness before the courses start. Writing courses should not be limited to activities in classroom. Outside classroom activities and activities with various stimuli helping students to get inspirations should also be conducted. A number of fictional works (e.g. short story and novel) qualified to serve as writing models for students should be provided. Further research focusing on other genres such as expository, descriptive, argumentative, and narrative texts should be conducted.
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