Rosendi Galih Susani


The implementation of authentic assessment can help teachers to know the extent to which students are able to apply their knowledge and skills in accordance with the contexts of real situations. This is because authentic assessment focuses on activities or tasks that students do, as the knowledge and skills taught are tailored to the real contexts. The research objective is to describe the implementation of authentic assessment in Extensive Reading course in Indonesian Language Education and Literature Study Program Sanata Dharma University. This research used descriptive qualitative analysis method. The instruments used in this study were tests. The researcher conducted the implementation of authentic assessment in Extensive Reading on identifying the meanings of difficult words, idioms, and expressions. The obtained data show that the students’ average extensive reading ability was 80 with a very high category. The implementation of authentic assessment could provide some benefits such as (a) identifying the direct measurement of expected competence indicators of students’ performances; (b) encouraging students to demonstrate their performance in a real and meaningful situation; (c) providing students with the opportunity to construct their learning outcomes by selecting and compiling answers based on their knowledge and the situational analysis so that the answers are relevant and meaningful; and (d) integrating teaching, learning, and assessment activities. It is then recommended that authentic assessment be applied in the teaching and learning of reading courses.


Authentic assessment; extensive reading; Indonesian language and literature program

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