Mega Maghfira Robbaanii, MIF Baihaqi, Ita Juwitaningrum


When a company has employees with high keterikatan kerja, the company will have employees who are able to carry out and modify work according to their capabilities. The other hand, job crafting plays an important role in change management and organizational success, this is because employees will be able to overcome problems in the workplace by modifying work according to their capabilities. Job crafting is directly and positively influenced by keterampilan sosials to interact effectively and influence others in the workplace. This study used  linear regression that participated by 53 employees. The results were keterampilan sosials and job crafting had an effect on keterikatan kerja on employees by variance explained of 46.1 percent.


keterampilan sosials, job crafting, keterikatan kerja

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/insight.v3i2.22344


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