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Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI
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Nitih Indra Komala Dewi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Nitih Indra Komala Dewi is a lecturer at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. She received a bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering education from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and a master’s degree in architectural engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. She joined a research group with the topic area in Science, Technology, and Building Material. She is interested in Building Engineering; Building Energy; Zero Energy Building; Green Building; Building Structure & Construction; Materials Science; Architectural Education, Teaching Methode, etc.
Sri Novianthi Pratiwi
Universitas Trisakti
Arsitektur FT Universitas Trisakti
Mei Nisa Fajria
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Arsitektur SAPPK ITB
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