Elysa Wulandari Wulandari, Burhan Nasution, Masdar Djamaludin, Farisa Sabila


Abstract: Related research on the growth and development process of rural settlement areas, with a case study in the Geulanggang Batee village area, which is located at the mouth of a river on the west coast of Aceh, is vulnerable to natural hazards. The development of the parts of the area is not the same which can be traced from the time of the Aceh kingdom to the 21st century. The aim of this research is to find out the causes of differences in the development of the region and the patterns of sustainable adaptation in the community. This study is important to carry out to determine the potential sustainability of a rural settlement that is prone to disasters. Qualitative research approach interpretative phenomenology in case studies. Physical data is obtained from satellite imagery looking at the potential location and changes in land use in the area. Non-physical data is obtained by interviewing community leaders about the dynamics of changes that have occurred. The data is analyzed with a dynamic system, looking at the cause and effect of changes. The results of the research are related to two things: a) the part of the area whose development has retreated due to the threat of natural disasters, adapting patterns by moving away from disasters, so that settlements become empty, improving disaster-prone areas by engineering land techniques and modifying livelihoods to survive: b) parts of the area whose development is progressing as a new place for people to live from the coast, modernizing agriculture, seems to have implemented the smart village concept, has high accessibility to the main roads of the area. The conclusion of this research is that the development of a rural area can synergize with geographical conditions, respond to the demands of modern life by transforming knowledge values that are in line with local values.


Keywords: Growth and Development, Sustainable Adaptation, Rural Settlements, River Estuaries, Aceh West Coast


Abstrak: Penelitian terkait tentang proses tumbuh kembang kawasan permukiman perdesaan, dengan studi kasus pada kawasan gampong Geulanggang Batee, yang berlokasi di muara sungai pesisir Barat Aceh serta rentan terhadap bahaya alam. Perkembangan bagian kawasan permukiman tersebut tidak sama yang dapat ditelusuri sejak masa kerajaan Aceh hingga abad 21. Tujuan kajian untuk menjelaskan sebab perbedaan perkembangan kawasannya dan pola adaptasi berkelanjutan dalam masyarakatnya. Kajian ini penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi keberlanjutan suatu permukiman perdesaan yang rentan bencana. Pendekatan penelitian secara kualitatif fenomenologi interpretative pada studi kasus. Data fisik di peroleh dari citra satelit melihat potensi lokasi dan perubahan penggunaan lahan kawasan. Data non fisik diperoleh dengan wawancara tokoh masyarakat tentang dinamika perubahan yang terjadi. Data di analisa dengan sistem dinamis, melihat sebab akibat perubahan. Hasil penelitian terkait dua hal: a) bagian kawasan yang mundur perkembangannya karena ancaman bencana alam, melakukan pola adaptasi dengan menjauh bencana, perbaikan kawasan rawan bencana dengan rekayasa teknik lahan dan modifikasi sumber kehidupan untuk dapat bertahan: b) bagian kawasan yang maju perkembangannya sebagai tempat bermukim baru masyarakat tersebut, melakukan modernisasi pertanian, tampak telah menerapkan konsep smart village, memiliki  aksesibilitas tinggi ke jalan utama kawasan.  Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa perkembangan suatu kawasan perdesaan dapat bersinergis dengan kondisi geografis, menjawab tuntutan kehidupan modern dengan mentransformasi nilai-nilai pengetahuan yang sejalan dengan nilai setempat.


Kata Kunci: tumbuh Kembang, Adaptasi Berkelanjutan, Permukiman Perdesaan Muara Sungai, Pesisir Barat Aceh

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