Fahmi Raqib Al Majasan Sah, Bambang Darmawan, Sriyono Sriyono, Apri Wiyono


The implementation of this research was motivatedby the low results of student examinations in the Automotive Engine Electricity subject in 2017-2018, namely there were 27 students with an assessment standard of 7.5 after taking the average score of students at a value of 5.17 which indicates the average value of students. is far below the minimum completeness criteria value.Researchersestimatethatthelowachievementofstudenttestscoresisduetolowunderstandingof learning materials, and understanding of this material is influenced by the application of learning mediathatisnotoptimal.Learningmediaisessentiallyabridgeoflearningmessagesconveyedby lecturers to students so that they can be absorbed quickly and precisely according to their purpose. Some of the optimal application of learning media can use Android-based media, especially Unity Media.Researchersstigmatize thattheuseofAndroid-basedlearningmediawithUnitymediacan improve student learning outcomes. The implementation of this study aims to determine whether the use of android-based applications can significantly improve students' ability to read conventional ignition wiring diagrams in the Automotive Engineering course. Retrieval of data in thisstudywastaken fromasampleofautomotiveconcentrationmechanicalengineeringeducation students who are currently taking Automotive Engine Electrical courses. The research design that the researchers used was the Experiment type One Group Pre-test-Post test Design. Based on the research data, the data shows that there is a significant increase in student achievement, which is obtainedbasedonthepretestandposttestscores.TheaverageN-gainscoreobtainedfromthisstudy is 0.41 in the mediumcategory.


Android,media, N-gain, ignition system

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jmee.v7i2.29816


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