Preservation of Gastronomic Heritage ''Brongkos Kambing'' in Nglipar Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta

Karni Karni, Arinta Destri Larasaati, Yuli Astuti, Dewi Turgarini


Yogyakarta is cultural heritage tourism destination in Indonesia. There are many traditional food as part of gastronomic tourism heritage was not being known by tourist. There is research gap was found to developing Goat Brongkos such as the lack of Goat Brongkos producers who are concerned about the Brongkos Kambing business, Limited market coverage, Business management is still conventional. This research conduct to developing tourist attraction while preserving culture based on traditional which is existed in Gunung (Mount) Kidul.  Based on preliminary survey, there is finding that Brongkos Kambing is a typical food of Nglipar Regency that needs to be preserved because it is authentic food taste, easy processing, and ask-to-find ingredients. Also the taste is very authentic, distinctive flavor with a dominant sweet, and savory.   The method using descriptive analytic approach using gastronomic tourism component, and also deep interviewed to nine stakeholders (nona helix). There is a result that Brongkos Kambing has the value of philosophy, history. The raw material was can be found in local area, the process is interesting because first the spices were only mixed into the pot to the boiling goat bones or in the local language brongkos. The taste and serving experience have educational, nutrition and ethic value. This food has the potential to be developed as comprehensive tour package and become a gastronomic tourism attraction.


gastronomy; heritage; preservation; tourism attraction

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