Elga Herawati Juliana, Tatang Syaripudin, Andhin Dyas Safitri


The goal of learning mathematics is to have mathematical problem solving skills. These abilities equip students to meet practical needs in their daily activities. The problem in learning mathematics for elementary students is a matter of mathematics with non-routine settlement procedures. Around 50% of students in grade 4D SD C Coblong district still lack in mathematical problem solving skills, due the lack of students in understanding the problem, incorrect in solving problems, doing calculations incorrectly and not re-checking the answer to avois mistakes and find alternativ answers. These things cause the lack of students in mathematical problem solving skills. To overcome a problem, learning activities must be carried out that emphasize those things. Therefore, classroom action research (PTK) is conducted to improve mathematical problem solving skills by applying the PBL model (Problem Based Learning) SQRQCQ strategy (Survey, Question, Re-Read, Question, Compute, Question). After applying the PBL model SQRQCQ strategy with stages 1) Formulating the problem – Survey, 2) Analyzing the problem, Formulating hypotheses – Question1, 3) Collecting emprical data and classifying them as evidence for hypothesis - Re-read and Question2, 4) Proving hypotheses – Compute, 5) Determining choices settlement – Question3


PBL, SQRQCQ, problem solving skills

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