Hubungan Perhatian Orang Tua pada Masa Pandemi COVID 19 terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V SDN Jatibening IV Bekasi

Nailil Faiqoh Putri Munir, Arie Rakhmat Riyadi, Ira Rengganis


The purpose of this study was to find a correlation between people's attention in learning activities and student learning outcomes. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where learning is done online or at home, therefore parents' attention plays an important role in learning activities during the current pandemic. However, in practice there are obstacles such as busy working parents, smartphone ownership, and understanding of using technology. This research was conducted in one of the elementary schools in the city of Bekasi, namely SDN Jatibening IV Bekasi. This study uses the correlational method. The research sample was 35 students of class V-D. Hypothesis testing using the product moment formula. Before testing the hypothesis, it must go through a prerequisite test, namely the normality test and linearity test. Calculation of hypothesis testing using SPSS version 24 application. Results 0.000 <0.05 and r count 0.708> r table 0.361 confidence level 5%, it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between parental attention and student learning outcomes, the correlation category is at a high level . Based on the results of the study, it is expected that parents must maintain correlations with children considering the current conditions are in the COVID-19 pandemic where learning changes which starts learning at school and then switches to studying at home and increases collaboration with teachers to know the child's condition, because learning at home is a new things are implemented by teachers, parents, and students.


Parental Attention, Learning Outcomes

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